Ettore elaborated a new mathematics and a new physics related to a new comprehension of the structure of Creation in which we live.
Ettore touched the “intimacy” of Matter; and at this level of relationship, Matter, if appropriately and calmly “indulged” is able to give all of itself.
“The truth”, said Rolando, “is that nature has extremely strong attraction mechanisms which develop starting from the same kind of matter – matter in its widest sense – which causes things to approach each other and bond if they feel they belong to the same “group”. It is a sort of “love”, a natural instinct to get near to and bond with that for which one feels an affinity”.
Ettore’s main knowledge is described in the “General Theory of Exponents” in which “all the laws of nature are symmetric regarding two directions of time and all the phenomena of the universe are made up of spherical waves, which, for said symmetry, can be not only divergent (entropic phenomena) like those generally observed, but also convergent (syntropic phenomena)”.
In practice one recognizes that the world does not only function in an entropic manner, in other words, only in a growth of disorder as asserted by the second principle of thermodynamics, but also in a syntropic manner, in other words, a growth of order. Syntropy is introduced here, not as an arbitrary hypothesis, but as a logical consequence necessary to quantum structure (quantum mechanics) and relativity (Einstein’s relativity) of the universe. Following this, chance and finalism are brought on to the same logical plain, “just as there are two solutions to a quadratic equation”.
Ettore achieved the formulation of a unitary theory where physical and biological phenomena were reunited, thus introducing finalism to science.
The General Theory of the Exponents is the first scientific theory that, de facto, presupposes the existence of God.